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June Awardees

Customer Service Team

Refund Team MVP: Charles

Save Cancels MVP: Katherine

General Support MVPs:

Special awardees:

My customer is my best friend award! Tiffany (91% Happiness Score with 270 ratings)

The Flash Rhemma (4,978 replies sent)

The VIP Saves Queen Katherine (37.04% VIP Save rate)

I-make-the-NON-VIPs-feel-like-VIPs award Katherine (19.94% NON-VIP Save rate)

The Credit Guru Donna (47.65% credit instead of refund conversion)

Best Team Captain: Janelle

Top QAs

Styling Team

The Roadrunner (styled the most shipments)
Monique with 5042 styled shipments at 34 shipments per hour

The treasure hunter (highest lines/ items per day)
Monique at 1985 units per day on average.

The Born salesman/woman (highest keep rate per client category)

New- 35.80 Bryan Mae
Reg- 25.48% Bryan Mae, Patricia Camille, and Pam 
Previp 38.66% Pam
VIP-  29.17 Daisy

Highest captain team attainment
Roselle at 69.17% attainment average

Published inUncategorized

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