While unboxing videos have become a popular way of providing reviews of clothing subscriptions, some ladies do a great job of sharing their experience through blogs.
We have compiled some of these blogs and would like to share them with you. Have a glimpse of how our members feel about their pink Nadine West packages through these short summaries of their reviews.

Irreverent on the Internet
In 2015, a fashion blogger named Hannah, signed up for our subscription service after learning about it from another blog, In a Pretty Package. She said that she has long wanted to try clothing subscriptions but their costs have been preventing her from doing so until she found Nadine West.
In her first bag, Hannah received a tank top, a pair of blue earrings, and a statement necklace. She didn’t like the top that much. She liked the earrings because they’re blue and would have kept them if they were smaller. But she liked the statement necklace so much, she said she was “blown away”. According to Hannah:

My Favorite Life
Another blogger who appreciates the reasonable price of our items is Jennie, of MyFavoriteLife.net. She lives in Missouri with her family. Jennie created a blog to help other moms “ditch the overwhelm that so often comes with motherhood.” She saw an advertisement of Nadine West on Facebook and although she’s a bit wary of such ads, she did some research and checked comments and thought she could give it a try.
In her blog about the first bag she received, she said that she totally forgot that it was about to be delivered and just happened to go to the mailbox that day.

How she wrote the blog is interesting. It was like doing an unbagging because she was writing as she was opening her package. And before she was able to see what was inside, she listed a few expectations including her belief that “it will take a few tries for my stylist to ‘get to know me’.” When she opened the bag, she actually liked most of the items, especially the purple dress. In summary, Jennie said, “I was more pleased with this package than I expected.”
Trendy Mom Reviews
A few months ago, Trendy Mom learned about Nadine West and tried our subscription. In her first bag, she received a necklace and a bracelet and for clothing, she got a shirt, a dress and a pair of jeggings. And according to her, “in my package, they are all keepers!”
In her second blog post about Nadine West, Trendy Mom received a pair of earrings and then a cardigan, two pairs of pants, and two shirts. According to her:

The Girly Things Club
And lastly, is this blog post written by Haley Fox that you surely will enjoy reading. Unlike other bloggers who wrote about the bags they received, this post titled “Girly Day with Nadine West” features the packages received by four teens named Meghan, Azalee, Missy, and Andrea.
At the beginning of her post, Haley explains how shopping can be really expensive if you have a group of teens in your house, especially with the brands they love. But she added that, “one thing they have recently learned is how to make anything look designer by the accessories and coordination you put into each outfit.”
Then Haley showed a number of pictures of these lovely teens enjoying the items in their Nadine West bags. “They were so excited to open their packages and even more excited to see what was inside.”
Towards the end of her post, Haley encourages her readers to try Nadine West.

Don’t you just love to hear compliments about Nadine West? Especially when we learn how they enjoy receiving our packages–from seeing them in the mailbox to opening them and trying on the items. It feels great to see how everything the team does is paying off.
Thanks, everyone, for being the best team ever!