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“Ber” months: the Start of Christmas Season in the Philippines

As early as the first of September, celebrations of Christmas in many parts of the Philippines begin. It is very common to start hearing Christmas songs in the airwaves and seeing Christmas trees and decorations when September arrives–and they stay usually until January the following year.

For the Filipinos who celebrate Christmas, it is undoubtedly a very special occasion although each one may have their own meaning for it.

For example, Paul explains that “Christmas for me is a tradition which every year we celebrate love, gratitude and family.” For Maverick, “the core of observing Christmas is the celebration of life and the remembrance of struggles and challenges that I have weathered all throughout the year.”

December in many parts of the country can be filled with lots of parties. Sascha shares that, “we usually start organizing parties as early as November. Almost everyone I know spends Christmas Eve in their hometown so most parties are held on the weekends before that. And since it’s typical to attend around five parties, we arrange the schedule early.”

On Christmas Eve, Paul said that “we celebrate Christmas by preparing several special meals and then share it with family.”

“It has also become a tradition to be with my family when the clock strikes 12,” Maverick added.

Then on the 25th, people usually visit all their relatives and friends who live nearby. This can be a bit tiring that Maverick commented “if I can put everyone in one house my friends included, that would be best as I don’t really like hopping from one house to another.”

This year, however, celebrations might be a little different but Christmas will remain special. For sure there will be some changes because of the pandemic but personally, I still look forward to it. We might not be able to have lots of parties like we always do, but just to be with my family, share meals with them while listening to Christmas songs, that’s more than enough for me this year.

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