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July Awards

Customer Service

Save Cancels MVP Editha

General Support MVP April Jadeberry

My customer is my best friend award Hazel

The Flash Maria Loren

The VIP Saves King Edenroi

I-make-the-NON-VIPs-feel-like-VIPs award Alyssa

Best Team Captain Jirces

Top Performers

  • April Jadeberry
  • Editha
  • Hana
  • Rhemma
  • Rosmarie
  • Precious
  • Hazel
  • Alyssa Anne
  • Edenroi
  • Josue
  • Maria Loren
  • Dondon
  • Mariah Glecy
  • Gean Shaira
  • Cherrie Lynn
  • Roda Mae
  • Myrjannette
  • Princess Claudine
  • Mierra Jane
  • Jayson
  • Kim
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Mirasol
Published inUncategorized

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