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Holiday Photo and Video Contest 2022

The holiday season is a great time to connect with loved ones. The time spent together can deepen relationships and bring joy and laughter. It is also a great opportunity to make new memories together. 

At Nadine West, we just love to see our members enjoying quality time with their family. Last holiday season, we asked our team members to share their holiday pictures and videos with us, so we could all relive these joyous moments together. These include videos of online teams since after working together for quite a while, we’ve actually become quite a family as well. 

Sharing some of the pictures and videos with you.


Customer Service

1st Place: Jaimee

2nd Place: Paula

3rd Place: Fritzie


1st Place: Anna


Winner: Dream Team


Customer Service

Individual Entries

Save Cancel Team

Refunds and Resolution Specialist Team




Team Meraki

Team Aja

Dream Team

Team PPG

Published inUncategorized

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