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Check Out The New Warehouse!

After about a year at our current warehouse, we finally ran out of space.  So this week, we moved to a new warehouse; it’s got double the floor space and triple the overhead space!!

It took the team only 2 days to move all inventory and set up our space.  We were ready to start shipping by the third day.  Amazing!!

More amazing is how quickly we have grown over the past year!!  This is the best team I have EVER been a part of!  Love you guys!! 

The marketing team has been on fire recently, signing up tons of new customers.

The buying team has really come through, getting their hands on great inventory at great prices.

The styling team has been so reliable, doing a great job of matching inventory with customer style profiles.

The warehouse team has been world-class; not only for their reliability but for their continuous improvement.

The engineering team is simply incredible; almost nothing is impossible with Damir and Elmira.

And finally, to close the loop, the customer service team has been bringing so many smiles to customer’s faces with their friendliness, authenticity, and their sense of humor.

Here are some pics!

Our very first warehouse, circa May 2014. Sidney and Ben would pack and ship…up to 5 orders a day. Lol.
Getting pretty crowded at the old warehouse. Time to move.
Sidney and Lan in front of jewelry racks at old warehouse.
Michael wrapping up things at the old warehouse.
All gone. Old warehouse.
Keiko says he will miss the team very much!
New warehouse. Before.
Part of the new warehouse was for cage fighting classes.
Much more head room at the new warehouse.
5+ loads in this Uhaul truck.
Dan doing work. Demolition work at the new warehouse.
The dynamic duo.
Look at this mess in the new warehouse. How will we ever clean up?
Monica’s kids helping out.
Lots of inventory. Ready to be unpacked.
Michelle and Shannon #selfie. New warehouse.
Michelle two-step dancing in the new office.
Cowboys. Superbowl-bound in 2018.

Thank You Wonderful Styling Team

Wonderful Styling Team,

Hopefully you got a note and a gift card in the mail by now.  Sidney and I want to let you know how much we appreciate your efforts.  While our development team and operations teams are in constant transition, as we improve, experiment, and adjust, we have always been able to rely on you ladies to consistently assemble outfits that our customers love.  Thank you so much!

–Ben and Sidney

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Today is Thanksgiving here in the U.S.  The warehouse team gathered together for a very nice, home-cooked feast and shared what we were grateful for.

I told everyone how thankful I was for Michelle’s leadership. She has done an amazing job of choosing great people, creating a friendly workplace, and making sure that everything in the warehouse runs smoothly.

Michelle told everyone that she was thankful to be surrounded by such a great team.  The team was thankful for each other and for Michelle.  Dan was thankful for baby Jesus and Mountain Dew.  Lol.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  We are very fortunate to have you!

–Everyone at Nadine West

thanksgiving1 thanksgiving2 thanksgiving3 thanksgiving4

Thank You, Michelle and Felicia

Today, we all wanted to thank Michelle and Felicia for all they do!  Inside the boxes in the foreground are school supplies for all their kiddos, just in time the new school year.  Thanks, Michelle and Felicia, you guys are the best!!


Thank you, Michelle and Felicia!!
Thank you, Michelle and Felicia!!  From left to right: Michelle, Felicia, Michael, Dan, Ben, Nadine.

Thank You, Damir

Hi, Damir, the warehouse team wanted to thank you for being so awesome!!  Michael created this banner this week for you.  From top left: Felicia, Ben, Sidney, Nadine, Michelle, Megan, Michael, and Dan.  🙂

Book Summary: The One Thing by Gary Keller


The Big Idea: 1) find your purpose and then 2) for four UNINTERRUPTED hours every morning, focus on THE ONE THING that will get you there fastest.

  • If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. –Russian proverb
  • Ask yourself “What’s the one thing you can do right now that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?”
  • It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world. –Og Mandino
  • Most great businesses owe their great success to only one thing.
  • 80/20: 80% of the output is from 20% of the input.
  • Multitasking doesn’t work.
  • Don’t rely on extraordinary discipline to achieve.  Rely on habits developed with just a little bit (66 days) of discipline.
  • Willpower is limited.  Do your hardest tasks in the morning, when your willpower and energy are highest.
  • Don’t pursue a life of constant balance.  Instead counterbalance your life between sprints of work and constant life.
  • Extraordinary success requires thinking big.
  • If you have a growth mindset, you don’t need to fear failure. –Carol Dweck
  • Ask yourself “What’s the one thing you can do right now that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?”
  • The most productive people start with a purpose and use it like a compass.
  • Having a clear purpose makes it easy to prioritize.
  • Money won’t make you happy.
  • Happiness happens on the way to fulfillment.
  • Ask yourself where you want to be in 20 years, then 5 year, then 1 year, then 3 months, then 1 month, then 1 week, then what you need to do today.
  • Block out the first 4 hours of every morning for your ONE THING and don’t let anyone interfere.
  • Successful people always have coaches.
  • Get used to saying no to requests that don’t advance your ONE THING.
  • Be prepared for a little chaos while you are focused on your ONE THING.
  • Watch your mental and physical health and sleep.
  • Avoid any negative environments and people.
  • The best way to live is to live with NO REGRETS.
  • Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
    • I wish I’d let myself be happier.
    • I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends.
    • I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
    • I wish I’d hadn’t worked so hard.
    • I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself.

Check Out Our New Warehouse!

Hi, everyone. Nadine West has been growing so fast that our warehouse layout and organization just couldn’t keep up anymore. It desperately needed some help!

So…huuuuge kudos to Michelle Cruz and her husband Chris. They came in on Saturday, planned out a new layout, picked up materials at Home Depot and practically rebuilt the entire warehouse!! Doesn’t it look amazing??







